
このページでは,GDALの実行時設定オプションについて説明します.これらはビルド時の configure スクリプトのオプションとは異なります.実行時の設定オプションはすべての プラットフォームに適用され,実行時に評価されます.ユーザーは,プログラムで設定したり、コマンドラインスイッチで設定したり,環境変数で設定したりすることができます.

設定オプションは,通常,GDAL/OGR ドライバーのデフォルトの動作を変更するために使用されます.場合によっては,GDAL/OGR コアも変更されます.これらは,ユーザーが設定できるグローバル変数です.


設定オプションの一例は, GDAL_CACHEMAX オプションです.これは,メガバイト単位で GDAL ブロックキャッシュのサイズを制御します.これは,Unix (bash/bourne) シェルで環境変数としてこのように設定できます:


DOS/Windows コマンドシェルでは,次のように指定します:


ほとんどのGDALとOGRユーティリティでは, --config スイッチを使用してコマンドラインで設定することもできますが, これらのスイッチが挙動に影響を与えるように評価されるまでの時間がかかるため,いくつかの場合は評価されません.

gdal_translate --config GDAL_CACHEMAX 64 in.tif out.tif

GDAL 3.9 以降, <NAME><VALUE> を2つのスペースで区切った文字列ではなく, <NAME>``=``<VALUE> の単一のコマンドライン文字列を使用して設定オプションを設定することも可能です.

gdal_translate --config GDAL_CACHEMAX=64 in.tif out.tif

C/C++ では, CPLSetConfigOption() を使用してプログラムで設定オプションを設定できます:

#include "cpl_conv.h"
    CPLSetConfigOption( "GDAL_CACHEMAX", "64" );

通常,設定オプションはプログラム内でアクティブなすべてのスレッドに適用されますが, CPLSetThreadLocalConfigOption() を使用して,現在のスレッドにのみ制限することもできます.

CPLSetThreadLocalConfigOption( "GTIFF_DIRECT_IO", "YES" );

ブールオプションの場合,YES, TRUE, ON はオプションをオンにするために使用できます; NO, FALSE, OFF はオフにするために使用できます.


Added in version 3.3.


The following locations are tried by CPLLoadConfigOptionsFromPredefinedFiles():

  • 環境変数 (または設定オプション) GDAL_CONFIG_FILE で指定された場所が最初に試されます. 設定されている場合,次のステップは試されません

  • Unix ビルドの場合,最初に ${sysconfdir}/gdal/gdalrc で指定された場所が試されます (${sysconfdir} は ${prefix}/etc に評価されます, ./configure--sysconfdir スイッチが呼び出されていない限り). 次に $(HOME)/.gdal/gdalrc が試され,sysconfdir で読み込まれたものを上書きする可能性があります

  • Windows ビルドの場合, $(USERPROFILE)/.gdal/gdalrc で指定された場所が試されます.

設定ファイルは .ini スタイルのテキストファイルです. # で始まる行はコメント行です.

ファイルには,設定オプションとその値をリストする [configoptions] セクションが含まれている場合があります.


# set BAR as the value of configuration option FOO

設定ファイルで設定された設定オプションは,後で CPLSetConfigOption() または CPLSetThreadLocalConfigOption() の呼び出し,または --config コマンドラインスイッチを介して上書きできます.

GDALが開始される前に設定された環境変数の値が,設定ファイルで設定された値の代わりに使用されます. ただし,GDAL 3.6 以降,設定ファイルが [directives] セクションで始まり, ignore-env-variables=yes エントリが含まれている場合は,環境変数の値は無視されます.

# ignore environment variables. Take only into account the content of the
# [configoptions] section, or ones defined programmatically with
# CPLSetConfigOption / CPLSetThreadLocalConfigOption.

GDAL 3.5 以降,設定ファイルには,特定のパスプレフィックスに関連する資格情報 (またはより一般的には仮想ファイルシステムに関連するオプション) を含めることもできます. これは, VSISetPathSpecificOption() で設定することもできます. 資格情報は [credentials] セクションの下に配置し,各パスプレフィックスに対して,名前が "[." で始まる相対サブセクションの下に配置します (例: "[.some_arbitrary_name]"),最初のキーは "path" です.







  • CPL_CURL_VERBOSE=[YES/NO]: Set to "YES" to get the curl library to display a lot of verbose information about its operations. Very useful for libcurl and/or protocol debugging and understanding.

  • CPL_DEBUG=[ON/OFF/<PREFIX>]: This may be set to ON, OFF or specific prefixes. If it is ON, all debug messages are reported to stdout. If it is OFF or unset no debug messages are reported. If it is set to a particular value, then only debug messages with that "type" value will be reported. For instance debug messages from the HFA driver are normally reported with type "HFA" (seen in the message).

    コマンドラインでは, --debug <value> または --config CPL_DEBUG <value> で設定することもできます.

  • CPL_LOG=<path>: This is used for setting the log file path.

  • CPL_LOG_ERRORS=[ON/OFF]: Set to "ON" for printing error messages. Use together with "CPL_LOG" for directing them into a file.

  • CPL_TIMESTAMP=[ON/OFF]: Set to "ON" to add timestamps to CPL debug messages (so assumes that CPL_DEBUG is enabled)




  • GDAL_NUM_THREADS=[ALL_CPUS/<integer>]: Sets the number of worker threads to be used by GDAL operations that support multithreading. The default value depends on the context in which it is used.

  • GDAL_CACHEMAX=<size>: Defaults to 5%. Controls the default GDAL raster block cache size. When blocks are read from disk, or written to disk, they are cached in a global block cache by the GDALRasterBlock class. Once this cache exceeds GDAL_CACHEMAX old blocks are flushed from the cache. This cache is mostly beneficial when needing to read or write blocks several times. This could occur, for instance, in a scanline oriented input file which is processed in multiple rectangular chunks by gdalwarp. If its value is small (less than 100000), it is assumed to be measured in megabytes, otherwise in bytes. Alternatively, the value can be set to "X%" to mean X% of the usable physical RAM. Note that this value is only consulted the first time the cache size is requested. To change this value programmatically during operation of the program it is better to use GDALSetCacheMax() (always in bytes) or or GDALSetCacheMax64(). The maximum practical value on 32 bit OS is between 2 and 4 GB. It is the responsibility of the user to set a consistent value.

  • GDAL_FORCE_CACHING=[YES/NO]: Defaults to NO. When set to YES, GDALDataset::RasterIO() and GDALRasterBand::RasterIO() will use cached IO (access block by block through GDALRasterBand::IReadBlock() API) instead of a potential driver-specific implementation of IRasterIO(). This will only have an effect on drivers that specialize IRasterIO() at the dataset or raster band level, for example JP2KAK, NITF, HFA, WCS, ECW, MrSID, and JPEG.

  • GDAL_BAND_BLOCK_CACHE=[AUTO/ARRAY/HASHSET]: Defaults to AUTO. Controls whether the block cache should be backed by an array or a hashset. By default (AUTO) the implementation will be selected based on the number of blocks in the dataset. See RFC 26: GDAL Block Cache Improvements for more information.

  • GDAL_MAX_DATASET_POOL_SIZE=value: Defaults to 100. Used by gdalproxypool.cpp

    GDALProxyPool メカニズム (例: VRT で使用) によって同時に開くことができるデータセットの数です. 多数の基礎ラスタファイルから構成される VRT モザイクでより良いランダムI/Oパフォーマンスを得るために増やすことができます. 注意: Linux システムでは,プロセスが開くことができるファイルハンドルの数は一般的に 1024 に制限されています. 現在,2 から 1000 の間でクランプされています.

  • GDAL_MAX_DATASET_POOL_RAM_USAGE=value: (GDAL >= 3.7) Limit the RAM usage of opened datasets in the GDALProxyPool.

    値の後に MB または GB を付けることで,それぞれメガバイトまたはギガバイトで表すこともできます. デフォルト値は,使用可能な物理RAMの25%から GDAL_CACHEMAX の値を引いた値です.

  • GDAL_SWATH_SIZE=value: Defaults to 1/4 of the maximum block cache size (``GDAL_CACHEMAX``). Used by rasterio.cpp

    1つのデータセットから別のデータセットにラスタデータをコピーするときのスワスのサイズ (バイト単位) です. GDAL_CACHEMAX より小さくしてはいけません.

  • GDAL_DISABLE_READDIR_ON_OPEN=[TRUE/FALSE/EMPTY_DIR]: Defaults to FALSE. By default (FALSE), GDAL establishes a list of all the files in the directory of the file passed to GDALOpen(). This can result in speed-ups in some use cases, but also to major slow downswhen the directory contains thousands of other files. When set to TRUE, GDAL will not try to establish the list of files. The number of files read can also be limited by GDAL_READDIR_LIMIT_ON_OPEN.

    EMPTY_DIR に設定されている場合, GDAL ドライバーが兄弟ファイルを要求するときに開かれているファイルのみが表示されるため, これはサイドカー/補助ファイルの読み込みを無効にする方法です.

  • GDAL_READDIR_LIMIT_ON_OPEN=value: Defaults to 1000. Sets the maximum number of files to scan when searching for sidecar files in GDALOpen().

  • VSI_CACHE=[TRUE/FALSE]: When using the VSI interface files can be cached in RAM by setting the configuration option VSI_CACHE to TRUE. The cache size defaults to 25 MB, but can be modified by setting the configuration option VSI_CACHE_SIZE. (in bytes).


  • VSI_CACHE_SIZE=<size in bytes>: Set the size of the VSI cache. Be wary of large values for VSI_CACHE_SIZE when opening VRT datasources containing many source rasters, as this is a per-file cache.


  • GDAL_SKIP=space-separated list: Used by GDALDriverManager::AutoSkipDrivers()

    このオプションは,1つまたは複数のGDALドライバーを登録解除するために使用できます. これは,ドライバーが認識すべきでないデータセットを開こうとするときや, 同じデータセットを開くことができる組み込みの複数のドライバーがあるときに有用です (例: JPEG2000 データセットのための JP2MrSID, JP2ECW, JPEG2000 および JP2KAK). このオプションの値は,登録解除するGDALドライバーの短い名前のスペース区切りのリストである必要があります.

    このオプションは, GDALAllRegister() を呼び出す前に設定する必要があります. そうでない場合は, GDALDriverManager::AutoSkipDrivers() を明示的に呼び出す必要があります.

  • OGR_SKIP=comma-separated list: This option can be used to unregister one or several OGR drivers. This can be useful when a driver tries to open a datasource that it should not recognize, or when several drivers are built-in that can open the same datasets (for example KML, LIBKML datasources). The value of this option must be a comma delimited list of the short name of the OGR drivers to unregister.

  • GDAL_DRIVER_PATH=value: Used by GDALDriverManager::AutoLoadDrivers().

    この関数は,共有ライブラリからドライバーを自動的にロードします. "ドライバーパス" で,プレフィックスが "gdal_X.so" で始まる .so (または .dll) ファイルを検索します. それからそれらをロードし,その後,それらの中の GDALRegister_X() という関数を呼び出そうとします. ここでの 'X' は共有ライブラリのベース名の残りと同じです ('X' は大文字小文字を区別します), またはそれが失敗した場合は GDALRegisterMe() を呼び出します.

    ドライバーパスにはいくつかのルールがあります. GDAL_DRIVER_PATH 環境変数が設定されている場合, UNIX ではコロンで区切られたディレクトリのリストとして取られ,Windows ではセミコロンで区切られたディレクトリのリストとして取られます. それ以外の場合,UNIX では /usr/local/lib/gdalplugins ディレクトリと (既知の場合) gdal ホームディレクトリの lib/gdalplugins サブディレクトリが検索され, Windows では $(BINDIR)gdalplugins が検索されます.

    Auto loading can be completely disabled by setting the GDAL_DRIVER_PATH config option to "disable".

    このオプションは, GDALAllRegister() を呼び出す前に設定する必要があります. そうでない場合は, GDALDriverManager::AutoLoadDrivers() を明示的に呼び出す必要があります.

  • GDAL_PYTHON_DRIVER_PATH=value: A list of directories to search for .py files implementing GDAL drivers. Like GDAL_DRIVER_PATH, directory names should be separated by colons on Unix or semi-colons on Windows. For more information, see RFC 76: OGR Python drivers.


  • GDAL_DATA=<path>: Path to directory containing various GDAL data files (EPSG CSV files, S-57 definition files, DXF header and footer files, ...).

    このオプションは, GDAL および OGR ドライバー登録関数によって読み込まれます. これは,OSRモデル (WKTベース) でのEPSGコードをその説明に展開するために使用されます.

    一部のビルド (Unix) では,値はコンパイル時にインストール後のパスを指すようにハードコードされている場合があります (例: /usr/share/gdal/data). Windows プラットフォームでは,通常,このオプションを宣言する必要があります.

  • GDAL_CONFIG_FILE=value: (GDAL >= 3.3) The location of the GDAL config file (see GDAL設定ファイル).

  • CPL_TMPDIR=<dirname>: By default, temporary files are written into current working directory. Sometimes this is not optimal and it would be better to write temporary files on bigger or faster drives (SSD).

  • GDAL_RASTERIO_RESAMPLING=[NEAR/BILINEAR/CUBIC/CUBICSPLINE/LANCZOS/AVERAGE/RMS/MODE/GAUSS]: Defaults to NEAR. Sets the resampling algorithm to be used when reading from a raster into a buffer with different dimensions from the source region.

  • CPL_VSIL_ZIP_ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS=<comma-separated list>: Add to zip FS handler default extensions array (zip, kmz, dwf, ods, xlsx) additional extensions listed in CPL_VSIL_ZIP_ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS config option.

  • CPL_VSIL_DEFLATE_CHUNK_SIZE=value: Defaults to 1 M.

  • GDAL_DISABLE_CPLLOCALEC=[YES/NO]: Defaults to NO. If set to YES (default is NO) this option will disable the normal behavior of the CPLLocaleC class which forces the numeric locale to "C" for selected chunks of code using the setlocale() call. Behavior of setlocale() in multi-threaded applications may be undependable but use of this option may result in problem formatting and interpreting numbers properly.

  • GDAL_FILENAME_IS_UTF8=[YES/NO]: Defaults to YES. This option only has an effect on Windows systems (using cpl_vsil_win32.cpp). If set to "NO" then filenames passed to functions like VSIFOpenL() will be passed on directly to CreateFile() instead of being converted from UTF-8 to wchar_t and passed to CreateFileW(). This effectively restores the pre-GDAL1.8 behavior for handling filenames on Windows and might be appropriate for applications that treat filenames as being in the local encoding.

  • GDAL_MAX_BAND_COUNT=<integer>: Defaults to 65536. Defines the maximum number of bands to read from a single dataset.

  • GDAL_XML_VALIDATION=[YES/NO]: Defaults to YES. Determines whether XML content should be validated against an XSD, with non-conformities reported as warnings.

  • GDAL_GEOREF_SOURCES=value: Determines the order in which potential georeferencing sources are scanned. Value should be a comma-separated list of sources in order of decreasing priority. The set of sources recognized by this option is driver-specific.

  • GDAL_OVR_PROPAGATE_NODATA=[YES/NO]: Defaults to NO. When computing the value of an overview pixel, determines whether a single NODATA value should cause the overview pixel to be set to NODATA (YES), or whether the NODATA values should be simply ignored (NO). This configuration option is not supported for all resampling algorithms/data types.

  • USE_RRD=[YES/NO]: Defaults to NO. Used by gdaldefaultoverviews.cpp

    概要フォーマットとしてErdas Imagine形式 (.aux) を使用するためにYESに設定できます. gdaladdo ドキュメントを参照してください.

  • PYTHONSO=value: Location of Python shared library file, e.g. pythonX.Y[...].so/.dll.


  • CPL_VSIL_CURL_ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS=<comma-separated list>: Consider that only the files whose extension ends up with one that is listed in CPL_VSIL_CURL_ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS exist on the server. This can speed up dramatically open experience, in case the server cannot return a file list.


    gdalinfo --config CPL_VSIL_CURL_ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS ".tif" /vsicurl/http://igskmncngs506.cr.usgs.gov/gmted/Global_tiles_GMTED/075darcsec/bln/W030/30N030W_20101117_gmted_bln075.tif

  • CPL_VSIL_CURL_CACHE_SIZE=<bytes>: Defaults to 16 MB. Size of global least-recently-used (LRU) cache shared among all downloaded content.

  • CPL_VSIL_CURL_USE_HEAD=[YES/NO]: Defaults to YES. Controls whether to use a HEAD request when opening a remote URL.

  • CPL_VSIL_CURL_USE_S3_REDIRECT=[YES/NO]: Defaults to YES. Try to query quietly redirected URLs to Amazon S3 signed URLs during their validity period, so as to minimize round-trips.

  • CPL_VSIL_USE_TEMP_FILE_FOR_RANDOM_WRITE=[YES/NO]: Use a local temporary file to support random writes in certain virtual file systems. The temporary file will be located in CPL_TMPDIR.

  • CURL_CA_BUNDLE=value: Set the path to the Certification Authority (CA) bundle file.

  • SSL_CERT_FILE=value:


  • GDAL_INGESTED_BYTES_AT_OPEN=value: Sets the number of bytes read in one GET call at file opening.

  • CPL_VSIL_CURL_NON_CACHED=<colon-separated list>: A global LRU cache of 16 MB shared among all downloaded content is enabled by default, and content in it may be reused after a file handle has been closed and reopened. The CPL_VSIL_CURL_NON_CACHED configuration option can be set to values like /vsis3/bucket/foo.tif:/vsis3/another_bucket/some_directory, so that at file handle closing, all cached content related to the mentioned file(s) is no longer cached. This can help when dealing with resources that can be modified during execution of GDAL-related code.

  • GDAL_HTTP_HEADER_FILE=<filename>: Filename of a text file with "key: value" HTTP headers. The content of the file is not cached, and thus it is read again before issuing each HTTP request.

  • GDAL_HTTP_CONNECTTIMEOUT=<seconds>: Maximum delay for connection to be established before being aborted.

  • GDAL_HTTP_COOKIEFILE=value: File name to read cookies from. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE.html

  • GDAL_HTTP_COOKIEJAR=value: File to which cookies should be written. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR.html

  • GDAL_HTTP_NETRC=[YES/NO]: Defaults to YES. Controls if an available .netrc file is used.

  • GDAL_HTTP_NETRC_FILE=<filename>: (GDAL >= 3.7.0) Sets the location of a .netrc file.

  • GDAL_HTTP_LOW_SPEED_LIMIT=<bytes/s>: Defaults to 0. Sets the transfer speed, averaged over GDAL_HTTP_LOW_SPEED_TIME, below which a request should be canceled.

  • GDAL_HTTP_LOW_SPEED_TIME=<seconds>: Defaults to 0. Sets the time window over which GDAL_HTTP_LOW_SPEED_LIMIT should be evaluated.

  • GDAL_HTTP_SSL_VERIFYSTATUS=[YES/NO]: Defaults to NO. Whether to verify the status of SSL certificates. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYSTATUS.html

  • GDAL_HTTP_USE_CAPI_STORE=[YES/NO]: Defaults to NO. (Windows only). Whether to use certificates from the Windows certificate store.

  • GDAL_HTTP_HEADERS=value: (GDAL >= 3.6) Specifies headers as a comma separated list of key: value pairs. If a comma or a double-quote character is needed in the value, then the key: value pair must be enclosed in double-quote characters. In that situation, backslash and double quote character must be backslash-escaped. e.g GDAL_HTTP_HEADERS=Foo: Bar,"Baz: escaped backslash \\, escaped double-quote \", end of value",Another: Header

  • GDAL_HTTP_MAX_RETRY=value: Defaults to 0. Set the number of HTTP attempts, when a retry is allowed. (cf GDAL_HTTP_RETRY_CODES for conditions where a retry is attempted.) The default value is 0, meaning no retry.

  • GDAL_HTTP_RETRY_DELAY=<seconds>: Defaults to 30. Set the delay between HTTP attempts.

  • GDAL_HTTP_RETRY_CODES=ALL or comma-separated list of codes: (GDAL >= 3.10) Specify which HTTP error codes should trigger a retry attempt. Valid values are ALL or a comma-separated list of HTTP codes. By default, 429, 500, 502, 503 or 504 HTTP errors are considered, as well as other situations with a particular HTTP or Curl error message.

  • GDAL_HTTP_TCP_KEEPALIVE=[YES/NO]: (GDAL >= 3.6) Defaults to NO. Sets whether to enable TCP keep-alive.

  • GDAL_HTTP_TCP_KEEPIDLE=<seconds>: (GDAL >= 3.6) Defaults to 60. Keep-alive idle time. Only taken into account if GDAL_HTTP_TCP_KEEPALIVE=YES.

  • GDAL_HTTP_TCP_KEEPINTVL=<seconds>: (GDAL >= 3.6) Defaults to 60. Interval time between keep-alive probes. Only taken into account if GDAL_HTTP_TCP_KEEPALIVE=YES.

  • GDAL_HTTP_SSLCERT=<filename>: (GDAL >= 3.7) Filename of the the SSL client certificate. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/CURLOPT_SSLCERT.html

  • GDAL_HTTP_SSLCERTTYPE=[PEM/DER]: (GDAL >= 3.7) Format of the SSL certificate. see https://curl.se/libcurl/c/CURLOPT_SSLCERTTYPE.html

  • GDAL_HTTP_SSLKEY=<filename>: (GDAL >= 3.7) Private key file for TLS and SSL client certificate. see https://curl.se/libcurl/c/CURLOPT_SSLKEY.html

  • GDAL_HTTP_KEYPASSWD=value: (GDAL >= 3.7) Passphrase to private key. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/CURLOPT_KEYPASSWD.html

  • GDAL_HTTP_VERSION=[1.0/1.1/2/2TLS/2PRIOR_KNOWLEDGE]: Specifies which HTTP version to use. Will default to 1.1 generally (except on some controlled environments, like Google Compute Engine VMs, where 2TLS will be the default). Support for HTTP/2 requires curl 7.33 or later, built against nghttp2. "2TLS" means that HTTP/2 will be attempted for HTTPS connections only. Whereas "2" means that HTTP/2 will be attempted for HTTP or HTTPS. "2PRIOR_KNOWLEDGE" means that the server will be assumed to support HTTP/2. The interest of enabling HTTP/2 is the use of HTTP/2 multiplexing when reading GeoTIFFs stored on /vsicurl/ and related virtual file systems.

  • GDAL_HTTP_MULTIPLEX=[YES/NO]: Defaults to YES. Only applies on a HTTP/2 connection. If set to YES, HTTP/2 multiplexing can be used to download multiple ranges in parallel, during ReadMultiRange() requests that can be emitted by the GeoTIFF driver.

  • GDAL_HTTP_MULTIRANGE=[SINGLE_GET/SERIAL/YES]: Defaults to YES. Controls how ReadMultiRange() requests emitted by the GeoTIFF driver are satisfied. SINGLE_GET means that several ranges will be expressed in the Range header of a single GET requests, which is not supported by a majority of servers (including AWS S3 or Google GCS). SERIAL means that each range will be requested sequentially. YES means that each range will be requested in parallel, using HTTP/2 multiplexing or several HTTP connections.

  • GDAL_HTTP_MERGE_CONSECUTIVE_RANGES=[YES/NO]: Defaults to YES. Only applies when GDAL_HTTP_MULTIRANGE is YES. Defines if ranges of a single ReadMultiRange() request that are consecutive should be merged into a single request.

  • GDAL_HTTP_AUTH=[BASIC/NTLM/NEGOTIATE/ANY/ANYSAFE/BEARER]: Set value to tell libcurl which authentication method(s) you want it to use. See http://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/curl_easy_setopt.html#CURLOPTHTTPAUTH for more information.

  • GDAL_HTTP_USERPWD=value: The HTTP user and password to use for the connection. Must be in the form of [user name]:[password]. Use GDAL_HTTP_AUTH to decide the authentication method.

    NTLMを使用する場合,ユーザー名の前にドメインを付けて,ドメインと名前をスラッシュ (/) またはバックスラッシュ () で区切ります. 次のように: "domain/user:password" または "domainuser:password". 一部のHTTPサーバー (Windows) は,このスタイルをBasic認証に対してもサポートしています.

  • GDAL_GSSAPI_DELEGATION=[NONE/POLICY/ALWAYS]: (GDAL >= 3.3) Set allowed GSS-API delegation. Relevant only with GDAL_HTTP_AUTH=NEGOTIATE.

  • GDAL_HTTP_BEARER=value: (GDAL >= 3.9) Set HTTP OAuth 2.0 Bearer Access Token to use for the connection. Must be used with GDAL_HTTP_AUTH=BEARER.

  • GDAL_HTTP_PROXY=value: Set HTTP proxy to use. The parameter should be the host name or dotted IP address. To specify port number in this string, append :[port] to the end of the host name. The proxy string may be prefixed with [protocol]: since any such prefix will be ignored. The proxy's port number may optionally be specified with the separate option. If not specified, libcurl will default to using port 1080 for proxies.

    GDALは,http_proxy, ftp_proxy, all_proxy などの環境変数を尊重します. ただし,GDAL_HTTP_PROXY オプションは,設定されている環境変数を上書きします.

  • GDAL_HTTPS_PROXY=value: Set HTTPS proxy to use. See GDAL_HTTP_PROXY.

  • GDAL_HTTP_PROXYUSERPWD=value: The HTTP user and password to use for the connection to the HTTP proxy. Must be in the form of [user name]:[password].

  • GDAL_PROXY_AUTH=[BASIC/NTLM/NEGOTIATE/DIGEST/ANY/ANYSAFE]: Set value to to tell libcurl which authentication method(s) you want it to use for your proxy authentication. See http://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/curl_easy_setopt.html#CURLOPTPROXYAUTH for more information.

  • CPL_CURL_GZIP=[YES/NO]: Sets the contents of the Accept-Encoding header sent in a HTTP request to gzip, and enables decoding of a response when a Content-Encoding: header

  • GDAL_HTTP_TIMEOUT=value: Set HTTP timeout value, where value is in seconds

  • GDAL_HTTP_USERAGENT=value: This string will be used to set the User-Agent header in the HTTP request sent to the remote server. Defaults to "GDAL/x.y.z" where x.y.z is the GDAL build version.

  • GDAL_HTTP_UNSAFESSL=[YES/NO]: Defaults to NO. Set to "YES" to get the curl library to skip SSL host / certificate verification.

永続的補助メタデータ (PAM) オプション

  • GDAL_PAM_ENABLED=[YES/NO]: PAM support can be enabled (resp. disabled) in GDAL by setting the GDAL_PAM_ENABLED configuration option (via CPLSetConfigOption(), or the environment) to the value of YES (resp. NO). Note: The default value is build dependent and defaults to YES in Windows and Unix builds. See GDALPamDataset for more information. Note that setting this option to OFF may have subtle/silent side-effects on various drivers that rely on PAM functionality.

  • GDAL_PAM_PROXY_DIR=value: Directory to which .aux.xml files will be written when accessing files from a location where the user does not have write permissions. Has no effect when accessing files from locations where the user does have write permissions. Must be set before the first access to PAM.

PROJ オプション

  • CENTER_LONG=value:

  • CHECK_WITH_INVERT_PROJ=value: Used by ogrct.cpp and gdalwarp_lib.cpp.

    このオプションは,gdalwarpがグローバルデータセットを変形するときや,極座標投影から/へ変換するときに,座標の不連続性を引き起こす場合の動作を制御するために使用できます. http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/ticket/2305 を参照してください.

    背景は,PROJが,src_srs から dst_srs への変換,その後 dst_srs から src_srs への変換が初期座標になることを保証しないことです. これは,gdalwarpのターゲットバウンディングボックスの計算のエラーや,視覚的なアーティファクトを引き起こす可能性があります.

    CHECK_WITH_INVERT_PROJ オプションが設定されていない場合,gdalwarp は,ターゲット画像のエッジの計算された座標がターゲット投影の有効領域内にあるかどうかをチェックします. そうでない場合,それらを再計算するために CHECK_WITH_INVERT_PROJ=TRUE を設定して,ogrct.cpp が逆投影との整合性をチェックするようにします.

    NOに設定すると,gdalwarp は逆投影を使用しようとしません.

  • THRESHOLD=value: Used by ogrct.cpp.

    CHECK_WITH_INVERT_PROJ=TRUE と組み合わせて使用されます. src_srs から dst_srs への往復と dst_srs から srs_srs への往復が初期座標になるかどうかをチェックするために使用される許容しきい値を定義します. 値は,ソースSRSの単位で表される必要があります (地理SRSの場合は通常度,投影SRSの場合はメートル).

  • OGR_ENABLE_PARTIAL_REPROJECTION=[YES/NO]: Defaults to NO. Used by OGRLineString::transform().

    再投影できない点を削除するためにYESに設定できます. これにより,極に端点がある線を再投影するのに役立ちます. 再投影が極の座標をサポートしていない場合などです.

  • OGR_CT_USE_SRS_COORDINATE_EPOCH=[YES/NO]: If NO, disables the coordinate epoch associated with the target or source CRS when transforming between a static and dynamic CRS.

  • OSR_ADD_TOWGS84_ON_EXPORT_TO_WKT1=[YES/NO]: (GDAL >= 3.0.3) Defaults to NO. Determines whether a TOWGS84 node should be automatically added when exporting a CRS to the GDAL flavor of WKT1.

  • OSR_ADD_TOWGS84_ON_EXPORT_TO_PROJ4=[YES/NO]: (GDAL >= 3.0.3) Defaults to YES. Determines whether a +towgs84 parameter should be automatically added when exporting a CRS as a legacy PROJ.4 string.

  • OSR_ADD_TOWGS84_ON_IMPORT_FROM_EPSG=[YES/NO]: (GDAL >= 3.0.3) Defaults to NO. Determines whether to automatically add a 3-parameter or 7-parameter Helmert transformation to WGS84 when there is exactly one such method available for the CRS.

  • OSR_DEFAULT_AXIS_MAPPING_STRATEGY=[TRADITIONAL_GIS_ORDER/AUTHORITY_COMPLIANT]: (GDAL >= 3.5) Defaults to AUTHORITY_COMPLIANT. Determines whether to honor the declared axis mapping of a CRS or override it with the traditional GIS ordering (x = longitude, y = latitude).

  • OSR_STRIP_TOWGS84=[YES/NO]: (GDAL >= 3.1) Defaults to YES. Determines whether to remove TOWGS84 information if the CRS has a known horizontal datum.

  • OSR_USE_NON_DEPRECATED=[YES/NO]: Defaults to YES. Determines whether to substitute a replacement for deprecated EPSG codes.

  • OSR_WKT_FORMAT=[SFSQL/WKT1_SIMPLE/WKT1/WKT1_GDAL/WKT1_ESRI/WKT2_2015/WKT2_2018/WKT2/DEFAULT]: Defaults to DEFAULT. Sets the format for writing a CRS to WKT.
