

  • actinia A cloud based geoprocessing platform from mundialis (GPL v3)

  • Biodiverse A tool for the spatial analysis of diversity. Uses GDAL for import/export of data (GPL v3)

  • Bluemapia Multi-Map(Google,Microsoft,Open Street Map, NOAA/BSB Charts,self-calibrated raster) location-based GPS app for Windows Mobile. (GPL v2)

  • BRL-CAD An open source solid modeling computer-aided design system.

  • Demeter Another OpenGL based terrain engine somewhat similar to VTP.

  • DuckDB Spatial Extension: Spatial extension for DuckDB

  • EOxServer OGC-compliant server for Earth Observation (EO) data supporting WMS and WCS with EO application profiles (EOxServer Open License)

  • exactextract Fast and accurate raster/vector zonal statistics (Apache 2.0)

  • Feature Data Objects (FDO) Open source spatial data access libraries (LGPL)

  • Fiona Fiona is OGR's neater Python API – sleek and elegant on the outside, indomitable power on the inside.

  • Convert raster and vector geospatial data to various formats and coordinate systems entirely in the browser.

  • GdalToTiles C# Program (open source) for making image tiles for Google Earth with KML Superoverlay.

  • GeoDa Introduction to Spatial Data Analysis (spatial autocorrelation and spatial regression) (GPL)

  • GeoDjango A framework for building geographic web applications.

  • GeoKettle An open source spatial ETL (Extract, Transform and Load) tool (LGPL)

  • GeoNotebook a Jupyter notebook extension for geospatial visualization and analysis. (Apache 2.0)

  • GeoServer a open source software server written in Java that allows users to share and edit geospatial data.

  • GMT (Generic Mapping Tools) an open source collection of tools for processing and displaying xy and xyz datasets.

  • GRASS GIS A raster/vector open source GIS that uses GDAL for raster/vector import and export (via

  • gstat a geostatistical modelling package.

  • GuidosToolbox A multi-platform desktop application for generic image object analysis.

  • gvSIG Desktop GIS Client.

  • ILWIS Remote Sensing and GIS Desktop Package.

  • Image I/O-Ext includes gdalframework, a framework leveraging on GDAL via SWIG's generated JAVA bindings to provide support for a broad set of data formats.

  • libLAS Open Source LAS 1.0/1.1 ASPRS LiDAR data translation toolset

  • Loader A simple loader for geographic data in GML and KML that needs some preparation before loading via ogr2ogr.

  • MapGuide Open source web mapping server.

  • Mapnik C++/ Python mapping toolkit

  • MapServer A popular web mapping application with GDAL support.

  • MapWindow open source ActiveX control with GIS functionality.

  • MultiSpec Application for interactively analyzing multispectral/hyperspectral image data.

  • NASA Ames Stereo Pipeline Software for creating terrain models and ortho images from planetary stereo images. (Apache 2.0)

  • NASA WorldWind Multiplatform virtual globe library to quickly and easily create interactive visualizations of 3D globes, map and geographical information.

  • NextGIS Formbuilder Desktop application for creating and editing forms.

  • NextGIS Web Server-side Web GIS and a framework for storage, visualization and permissions management of all kinds

  • Ogr2 GUI Graphical user interface for ogr2ogr

  • OpenCPN A concise ChartPlotter/Navigator. A cross-platform ship-borne GUI application.

  • OpenEV An OpenGL/GTK/Python based graphical viewer which exclusively uses GDAL for raster access.

  • OFGT a collection of utilities for multipurpose forest monitoring under the Open Foris Initiative Open Foris Initiative.

  • OpenFLUID a software platform for spatial modelling of landscapes dynamics

  • OpenSceneGraph 3D rendering engine with osgdem and osgEarth plugins.

  • Opticks an open source remote sensing application and development framework, with a GDAL plugin.

  • Orfeo Toolbox (OTB) a general remote sensing image processing library.

  • OSSIM Another geospatial viewing and analysis environment which uses GDAL as one of several plugins.

  • PDAL Point Cloud Data Abstraction Library

  • pktools open source (GPLv3) tools written in C++ for remote sensing image processing

  • PNMapcalc A raster map calculator with C-like scripting language.

  • PostGIS spatial database extender for PostgreSQL: The raster loader and many of the raster SQL functions rely on GDAL.

  • PostgreSQL OGR Foreign Data Wrapper Expose OGR layer as PostgreSQL foreign tables.

  • QGIS A cross platform desktop GIS.

  • R A free software environment for statistical computing and graphics, with bindings to GDAL via the rgdal package.

  • Rasterio Python library and command line utilities to read and write GDAL rasters.

  • Rasterix A cross platform open source utility to process raster data based on Qt and GDAL.

  • SAGA GIS A free geographic information system (GIS), with a special 'Application Programming Interface' (API) for geographic data processing.

  • SNAP Sentinel Application Platform for Earth Observation processing and analysis.

  • StarSpan raster/vector analysis.

  • t-rex Vector tile server written in Rust.

  • Thuban A multi-platform interactive geographic data viewer.

  • Vertual Terrain Project fostering tools for easy construction of the real world in interactive, 3D digital form.

  • ViRGiS Creating a GIS Platform in Virtual Reality / Mixed Reality

Proprietary license / Other

  • 3D DEM Viewer from MS MacroSystem.

  • Cadcorp SIS: A Windows GIS with a GDAL and OGR plugins.

  • Carmenta Engine (previously known as SpatialAce): A GIS Rapid Application Development environment

  • CARTO A cloud mapping platform to analyze and visualize geospatial data.

  • Cartographica Macintosh GIS package.

  • CatchmentSIM A Windows terrain analysis model for hydrologic applications.

  • Daylon Leveller A terrain/heightfield/bumpmap modeler

  • Eonfusion Analysis and visualization of time-varying spatial datasets integrated via true data fusion.

  • ERDAS ER Viewer Image viewer for very large JPEG 2000 and ECW files.

  • ESRI ArcGIS 9.2+ A popular GIS platform.

  • Eternix Blaze Advanced geo-spatial visualization application and SDK.

  • FalconView Windows-based GIS platform with roots in military mission planning, now available as a free GIS visualization and analysis package.

  • flighttrack GPS track viewing and downloading software for Mac.

  • FME A GIS translator package includes a GDAL plugin.

  • GenGIS Software for geospatial analysis of genetic data.

  • Geographic Imager DEM / aerial / satellite image processing GIS plug-in for Adobe Photoshop, by Avenza Systems.

  • GeoDMS A framework for building spatial calculation models.

  • GeoFusion 3D visualization.

  • GeoView Pro IOS mobile mapping application.

  • Geoweb3d A 3D virtual globe that provides on-the-fly, game-quality visualization of GIS data.

  • Google Earth A 3D world viewer.

  • GPSeismic A suite of applications for seismic survey.

  • HydroDaVE Explorer A web-enabled client that provides users an easy to use, secure, and reliable data management platform to efficiently manage, access, and analyze environmental data.

  • IDRISI A GIS and Image Processing Windows Desktop application. Uses GDAL to import/export/warp raster data.

  • Infraworks a BIM software for infrastructure project design, part of the Autodesk suite.

  • iShare Web data integration and publishing platform by Astun Technology.

  • Makai Voyager An advanced 3D/4D geospatial visualization platform.

  • MapInfo Professional Desktop GIS and mapping application

  • MapTiler Generator of tiles for interactive maps and overlays made from raster images and geodata.

  • Maptitude Mapping Software Desktop GIS and business mapping application

  • MicroImages TNT advanced software for geospatial analysis (Windows, Linux, Mac OS X and UNIX)

  • Micromine A mining software solution that uses GDAL for reading/writing various geospatial file formats.

  • Mirone Matlab based package for geospatial, oceanographic and geophysical analysis of grids

  • Mygeodata Converter Online converter of GDAL raster and OGR vector formats

  • OPALS Orientation and Processing of Airborne Laser Scanning Data

  • Procura Landholding inspection system developed for the UK Homes and Communities Agency. GDAL is used for checking out background mapping.

  • ScanMagic Win32 application for visualization, analysis and processing of remote sensing data.

  • Scalable Algorithmics (SCALGO) Software for efficiently constructing and performing computations on very large raster and TIN terrain models.

  • Scenomics Software for building terrain databases uses GDAL for projection and data import/export.

  • scenProc scenProc: A tool to create scenery for Microsoft Flight Simulator and Lockheed Martin Prepar3D by processing G

  • SeaView A 3D GIS package for geophysical and hydrographical data (side scan sonar, subbottom profiler, magnetometer, multibeam, etc.

  • SkylineGlobe The Skyline suite of interactive applications allows you to build, view, query and analyze customized, virtual 3D landscapes.

  • SpacEyes3D 3D visualization software for cartographic data.

  • Spatial Manager A product suite designed designed to manage spatial data in a simple, fast and inexpensive way. Uses GDAL to import/export data.

  • TacitView An imagery visualization and exploitation package for military intelligence.

  • TatukGIS Desktop GIS mapping and data editing application.

  • Team Awareness Kit Suite of georeferenced imagery and situational awareness tools developed for military planning and execution, now available for civilian use.

  • TerraGo Technologies The GeoPDF file format is used to distribute and collaborate geospatial data and uses GDAL for data import/export.

  • TerrainView Interactive real-time 3D GIS Software.

  • TransCAD GIS Desktop Transportation Analysis Software

  • TravTime .NET Application for visualizing, processing and analyzing GPS data for travel time, speed, and de

  • VectorWorks The Vectorworks line of software products provides professional design solutions in the AEC, entertainment and landscape design industries.

  • WindNinja wind model for fire behavior modeling.