OGCAPI -- OGC API Tiles / Maps / Coverage

Added in version 3.2.

Driver short name


Build dependencies


Access to server implementing OGC API - Tiles, OGC API - Maps or OGC API - Coverages. This driver has raster and vector capabilities.


This driver is experimental, and has been developed to demonstrate work related to the "Modular OGC API Workflows" initiative. It implements non-finalized versions of OGC API - Tiles, - Maps and - Coverages. Its interface may change at any time, or it might be removed. It might also be eventually merged with the OGC API - Features driver.

Driver capabilities

Supports Georeferencing

This driver supports georeferencing

Dataset opening

The driver supports opening by:

  • passing a filename (with .moaw extension) containing a JSON document, like the following, specifying a deferred processing

        "process" : "https://maps.ecere.com/ogcapi/processes/RenderMap",
        "inputs" : {
            "transparent" : false,
            "background" : "navy",
            "layers" : [
                 { "collection" : "https://maps.ecere.com/ogcapi/collections/NaturalEarth:physical:bathymetry" },
                 { "collection" : "https://maps.ecere.com/ogcapi/collections/SRTM_ViewFinderPanorama" }
  • passing a string "OGCAPI:{url}" where {url} is the URL to a OGC API landing page In that case the driver will return subdatasets with the different collections.

    Starting with GDAL 3.10, specifying the -if OGCAPI option to command line utilities accepting it, or OGCAPI as the only value of the papszAllowedDrivers of GDALOpenEx(), also forces the driver to recognize the passed URL, without the OGCAPI: prefix.

  • passing a string "OGCAPI:{url}" where {url} is the URL to a OGC API collection description

When the driver opens a collection, for raster, it will look if tiles or maps API are advertized for it. It will use tiles API by default, and fallback to maps API when not available. It will also look at the image formats, and will prefer PNG When available.

For vector collections, this driver handles the tiles API, with GeoJSON or Mapbox Vector tiles.

When using the tiles API, the driver will use by default the WorldCRS84Quad tile matrix set when available

Open options

Open options can be specified in command-line tools using the syntax -oo <NAME>=<VALUE> or by providing the appropriate arguments to GDALOpenEx() (C) or gdal.OpenEx (Python). The following open options are available:

  • API=[AUTO/MAPS/TILES/COVERAGE/ITEMS]: Defaults to AUTO. Which API to use for data acquisition. In AUTO mode, for raster access, coverage is used if available, and fallback first to tiles and finally maps otherwise. In AUTO mode, for vector access, tiles is used if available, and fallback to GeoJSON items otherwise.

  • IMAGE_FORMAT=[AUTO/PNG/PNG_PREFERRED/JPEG/JPEG_PREFERRED/GEOTIFF]: Defaults to AUTO. Which format to use for pixel acquisition, for tiles or map API. AUTO - This is the default and specifies that PNG images will be checked first, then JPEG and then any additional formats the server supports. PNG_PREFERRED - Same as AUTO JPEG_PREFERRED - Similar to AUTO, but the order is JPEG, PNG and then any additional formats the server supports JPEG - Use only JPEG images. If none are available then the driver will return an error PNG - Use only PNG images. If none are available then the driver will return an error GEOTIFF - Use only GEOTIFF images. If none are available then the driver will return an error

  • VECTOR_FORMAT=[AUTO/GEOJSON/GEOJSON_PREFERRED/MVT/MVT_PREFERRED]: Defaults to AUTO. Which format to use for vector data acquisition. Defaults to AUTO, which means that MVT (Mapbox Vector Tiles) will be used if available, and fallback to GEOJSON otherwise. If specifying MVT or GEOJSON, they must be available, otherwise the driver will return an error. If specifying the one of the MVT_PREFERRED or GEOJSON_PREFERRED value, the specified format will be used if available, and the driver will fallback to the other format otherwise.

  • TILEMATRIXSET=<id>: Identifier of the required tile matrix set. Only used with the tiles API. If this tile matrix set is not available, the driver will fail. If this option is not specified, the driver will automatically select one of the available tile matrix sets. TILEMATRIXSET and PREFERRED_TILEMATRIXSET options are mutually exclusive.

  • PREFERRED_TILEMATRIXSET=<id>: Identifier of the preferred tile matrix set. Only used with the tiles API. If this tile matrix set is not available, or if this option is not specified, the driver will automatically select one of the available tile matrix sets. TILEMATRIXSET and PREFERRED_TILEMATRIXSET options are mutually exclusive.

  • TILEMATRIX=<id>: Identifier of a particular tile matrix (zoom level) of the select tile matrix set. If not specified, all available tile matrix are returned as overviews (for raster data), or layers (for vector data)

  • CACHE=[YES/NO]: Defaults to YES. Whether to enable block/tile caching. Only for tiles API, and with raster data.

  • MAX_CONNECTIONS=<int>: Defaults to 5. Maximum number of connections for parallel tile downloading. Only for tiles API, and with raster data.

  • MINX=value:

  • MINY=value:

  • MAXX=value:

  • MAXY=value: Bounds in SRS of TileMatrixSet to which to restrict the exposed dataset/layers.